DEEPER Women™️ LEVERAGE Detroit-Powerhouse Conference
DEEPER Women™️ LEVERAGE the Platform in Detroit, Michigan at the Powerhouse Conference in partnership with the Leadership Experience Tour! This event is for women looking to grow their brand, increase brand credibility, visibility, and influence! LEVERAGE the platform in Detroit and receive the following:
Power House Conference at the Leadership Experience Tour!
Feature in DEEPER Women™️ Magazine and Tap-In Magazine:
A full-page article with your photo (Tap-In)
Two-page layout with up to 4 photos (DEEPER Women™️ Magazine)
Receive one hard copy (both outlets)
Access a digital link (both outlets)
Comprehensive Two-Day Workshop with Dr. Barbara and Dr. Schellie.
Opportunity to present signature speech
Complimentary headshot (Power House/DEEPER Women™️ Speak):
Receive one free headshot (additional photos available at an extra cost).
Receive copies of over 200 event photos
Engage in 3-4 Interviews with Tap-In Magazine with CBS Back Drop, and
On Stage Plus TV
Get free access to raw video footage (Power House/DEEPER Women™️ Speak)
Opt for professional video editing services for a nominal fee
Access a plethora of networking opportunities.
Enjoy complimentary entry to the Leadership Experience Tour.
aPRIL 18, 2024
DEEPER Women™️ Teach:
The Anthology Project Volume 3
aPRIL 19, 2024
DEEPER Men™️ Speak!
aPRIL 20, 2024
DEEPER Women™️ Speak!
We’re are sooo excited to announce that DEEPER Women™️ Speak is a THREE DAY Conference this year! Opening with the launch of Volume 3 of our Anthology Project-DEEPER Women™️ Teach! Day 2, get ready to hear for the DEEPER Men™️, and the grand finale-DEEPER Women™️ Speak!
Get ready to be empowered to heal, lead, and LEVERAGE!